
Treasure Coast golf scores: Nov. 7, 2019 - TCPalm

Hole In One

Joe Webber had a hole in one on the fifth hole (143 yards) at the Sebastian Municipal Golf Course, Monday, November 4. Witnessed by Don Levasseur, Bob Vitulli and Joe Donnelly.

Barefoot Bay Golf Course

Men: (Oct. 30, 2 Man Best Ball) Flight 1: (1) Bill Farynaz, John Hamilton -9. (2) Mike Maino -7; Flight 2: (1) Art Lane, Dennis Broderick -16. (2) Tom Kessler, Dan Strom -10; Flight 3: (1) Virgil Cypher, Conrad Anctil -9. (2) Paul March Many Pereira -7; Closest To pin: Joe Petrucci No. 3, Dave Beyer No. 11, Lesebas No. 13.

Champions Club at Summerfield

Men’s Summerfield PQL: (Oct. 31, Low Net) Flight A: (1) Cadigan 70. (2) Nordgren 72. (3) Gervasi 72. (4) Norman 73; Flight B: (1) Leblanc 66. (2) Coomber 70. (3) Suffriti 72. (4) Taylor 72; Closest to pin: Leblanc No. 2, Christensen No. 6, Katterheinrich No. 11.

Fairwinds Golf Course

Spanish Lakes Monday Rovers Men: (Nov. 4, Stableford) (1) John Pantaleon,Corkey LeBare, Dave Santerelli +8. (2) Don Stento, Ed Heltzer, Jim Spillman, John Morin +6;

Closest to pins: Don Stento No.5 and No. 8, John Morin No. 11.

Fairwinds Women's Golf Association: (Oct. 31, Criss Cross) Flight A: Chris Wood and Mary Duckworth 29.5; Flight B: Maria Egan 29.5, Janet Zabrosky 30.5, Ann Kentees 31, Mary Caress and Lil Imparato 31.5; Flight C: Janet Cole 29, Janet Mooneyham 33.5, Nora Goodwin 34.

Habitat Golf Course

Spanish Lakes Monday Rovers Men: (Oct. 29, Stableford) (1) John Pantaleon, Arnie Thronson, Corkey LeBare +5. (2) Bobby Taylor, Vinnie Higgins, Terry Ewalt, Rick Valcourt, Ed Heltzer, John Morin, Dave Keeler, Pete Mallory -6; Closest to pin: Vinnie Higgins No. 3, John Morin No. 5, John Pantaleon No. 11, Dave Keeler No. 17; Most over average: Vinnie Higgins +7.

Indian Hills Golf Course

Cherokee Chicks: (Nov. 5, Opening Day Scramble) (1) Siegel, Gagne, Cole 68. (2) Melik, Weiss, Duhamel, Stone 70. (3) Vincent, Imparato, Wilmer, Mollet 71.

Island Pines Golf Course

Spanish Lakes Fairways Men's Friday League: (Nov. 1, Stableford) (1) Charlie Winfield, Kevin Mitman, John Pantaleon, Rob Bertles +5. (2) Dave Santarelli, Jim Cutrone, Bob Taylor, Jim Treece, Owen Hughes, Rick Valcourt, Willie O'Connell, Ron Mercier +2; Closest to pin: Joe Gagne No. 3, Rob Bertles No. 7 and No. 17, Owen Hughes No. 11; Most over average: Ron Mercier +6.

Martin County Golf Course

Ladies 18 Hole League: (Oct. 29, Low Gross, Low Net) Low Gross: (1) Roberta Thees 87; Low Net: (1) Lois Mancini 75. (2) Andrea DeSantis 76.

Ladies 9-Hole Swingers: (Nov. 1, 4 Person Scramble) (1) Judy Hlavacek, Mary Rose Albert, Lucille Viglianese, Denise Carter 23. (2) Marilyn Bleam, Diane Meyer, Mary Kinzer, Betty Reardon 24.5. (3) Diane O'Riordan, Barbara Tuohy, Velvet Welch, Christine Cunningham 25.

Martin Downs Golf Club

Martin Downs Women's Golf Association: (Oct. 31, Uno, Dos, Tres) Green Tees: (1) Janice White, Carole McCormick, Aleida Frasier, Jan Armstrong 136. (2) Kat Chandler, Dina Hollobaugh, Dixie Yeager 138; MOC Silver Tees: (1) Donna Thaagaard, Elise Campbell, Doff Bowers 110. (2) Sara Belsito, Joanne Helgren, Gail Mey, Nancy Carr 123; Chip in winners: Dina Hollobaugh, Carole McCormick, Jan Armstrong.

Miles Grant Country Club

Fairway Ladies 9-Holes: (Oct. 31, Pumpkin Ball) (1) Judy Lloyd, Carol Moran, Carol Richards, Jean Lee. (2) Anne Scaduto, Pam Mahon, Barb Watson.

Fairway Ladies 9-Holes: (Oct. 29, Low Net) Flight 1: (1) Carol Moran, Joan Whitting. (2) Judy Lloyd; Flight 2: (1) Nancy Lowe. (2) Sue Nolan; Flight 3: (1) Helen Boyster. (2) Betty Reardon.

Men's 18: (Nov. 1, Low Net) Flight 1: (1) Greg Jackson. (2) James Hearn. (3) Bob Koester, Keith Bennett; Flight 2: (1) Bill Kimball. (2) Kevin Nolan. (3) Dick Moody; Flight 3: (1) Don Marshall. (2) John Simoni. (3) Gene Sinnott.

Men's 18: (Oct. 30, Best 2 of 4) (1) Greg Jackson, Arvid Sundquist, Keith Maund. (2) John Eckert, Kevin Nolan, Walter Mills.

Monarch Country Club

Men: (Oct. 30, 2 of 4 Shamble) (1) Nick Bellantoni, Don Barton, Richard Anderson, Bruce Wilkinson. (2) Rob Meyers, Pat Palfrey, Bob Longo, Harry Evert and Paul Kutz, Larry Daum, Chris Jones, Rayne Poussard 113. (4) Bill White, Mike Giles, Bill Foley, Nick Bellantoni 115. (5) Dennis Arvidson, Bob Childs, David Soloff, Howie Hyatt 116.

Women: (Nov. 5, 3 Jills and a Jack, Step Aside Scramble) (1) Joe Wertheim, Pat Higdon, Maggie Krieger 28. (2) Lee Schilling, Silvia Halpern, Pam Slifer, Rochelle Hyatt 30. (3) Brian Connolly, Barbara Cole, Sharon Rodger, Faye Palfrey, Paul Kutz, Jenifer Wheeler, Leslie Kalpin, Alice Kanan and Wayne Cole, Mary Hichborn, Ann Kelley, Cecily Buda 31.

Women: (Nov. 5, Team Stableford) (1) Cindy Eaton, Laura Tiano, Carol Messier, Joanne Fenton 17. (2) Barbara Charlton, Joan Hinterhaeuser, Andrea Gedeon, Carol Laurent 140. (3) Anna Bellantoni, Jane Taylor, Katy O'Neil, Janice McConnell 128.

Women: (Oct. 29, 1 Best Ball of 4) (1) Lisa Connolly, Maggie Krieger, Rochelle Hyatt, Sharon Rodger 20. (2) Alice Kanan, Darlene Ciabattari, Gail Kearney, Pam Slifer 25. (3) Jenifer Wheeler, Sally Seubel, Suzanne Harrington 26.

Women: (Oct. 29, Dice Game) (1) Laura Tiano, Chris Bricker, Karen Grogan, Cindy Eaton 126. (2) Fran Resnick, Linda Stewart, Carol Messier, Judy Combs 129.

The Saints at Port St Lucie Golf Course

Friday Men's League: (Nov. 1, Satin Stableford) (1) M. Deixler, S. Satin +6. (3) G. Strachan +3. (4) S. Ellias +2. (5) K. Martin, J. Swint +1; Closest to pin: T. Stanton No. 3.

Men: (Nov. 5, Mancuso Group) (1) Joe Busch +6. (2) Chuck Mancuso+1; Closest to pin: Chuck Mancuso No. 3, Bob Sullivan No. 19.

Mixed: (Nov. 2, Mancuso Group) (1) John Conti, Joe Busch, Alan Medvec +5. (2) Sevan Hashas, Jeff Brown +2; Closest to pin: Joe Busch No. 3, Rufus Lang No. 7, Sevan Hashas No. 10, John Conti No. 16.

Tuesday Men's League: (Oct. 29, Satin Stableford) (1) B. Hall +6. (2) S. Satin, A. Vandersteen +3; Closest to pin: B. Flanagan No. 16.

Sandridge Golf Club

Rogue Runners Coed: (Nov. 4, Coed Quiota) Dunes Course: Flight 1: (1) Brad Hughes -2. (2) George Cassidy -3. (3) Serge Tarasenko -5; Flight 2: (1) Fred McGown even. (2) Mike Norton and Donna Fletcher -2; Lakes Course: Flight 1: (1) Bill Gerity and Jim Coliflower +4. (3) Paul Cieslweski -3; Flight 2: (1) Paul Davis +10. (2) David Brack +7. (3) Dennis Caffrey +4.

Savannah Golf Club

Women: (Nov. 1, Cross Over) Flight A: (1) Peg Krawczyk 21.5. (2) Terry Reinagle 22. (3) BJ Maogan 22.5; Flight B: (1) Sharron Fonteyn 18. (2) Claire Blodore 20. (3) Debra Seitz 21; Flight C: (1) Marilyn Neuber 18.5. (2) Chriss Fortune 20. (3) Roberta Eades 22; Flight D: (1) Deb Taylor 16.5. (2) Carolyn Henderson 21. (3) Bev Bolin 22.5.

Sebastian Municipal Golf Course 

Wojo’s Monday League: (Nov. 4, 3 Net Best Balls of 4) First Flight 52 to 73 team handicap: Jack Jaworski, Dick Gillmor, Mike Muller, Pete Lukesh 188. Rich Belyea, Pete Martinelli, Bob Varas, Gene Smyth 188. Dave Ferraro, Mike Policare, Bob Manual, Ernie Robson 189. John Clark, Ralph Bryant, Chris Hall, Chris McCarthy 189. Jerry Dugre, Joe Ramsey, Jimbo Carlsen, Bob Holzhauer 194. Walt Landino, Joe Tatro, Jim O’Neill 194. Don Levasseur, Bob Vitulli, Joe Donnelly, Joe Webber 198. John Michalowski, Tom Dupuis, Rich Krywe, Jim Porter 199. Joe Mendes, Wayne Miranda, Bob Perrino 200; Second Flight 75 to 99 team handicap: Brian Clinton, Bill Demeo, Randy Robinson, Joe Bauman 190. Jerry Thompson, Bill Pritchard, John Flockhart, John Apo 192. Karl Johnson, Craig McDonald, Bob Marshall 194. Tom Riley, Jim Grady, Ed Arens, Rappy Perez 195. Pete Hespe, Jim Zilia, Anthony Sigona, Wayne Gates 196. Nick Varsalona, John Blile, Roger Carey, John Elwood 196. Ray Ehrlich, Larry Napier, Chuck Imbergamo 215; Closest to pin: Jack Jaworski No. 2, Joe Webber No. 5 and No. 17, Craig McDonald No. 14.

Sebastian Men’s Golf Association: (Oct. 30, 2 Net Best Balls of 4) Roger Carey, John Blyle, Terry Thompson, John Elwood 118. Jerry Thompson, John Apo, Karl Johnson, John Flockhart 120. Tom Riley, Bob Topping, Jim Grady, Mike Burke 121. Mike Policare, Bob Manuel, Joe Bauman 121. Jerry Dugre, Jimbo Carlsen, Gene Sanders, Bob Holzhauer 123. Ray Ehrlich, Mike Daigle, Chuck Imbergamo, Bob Varas 123. Ralph Bryant, Chris McCarthy, Gregg McCoy 124. Walter Landino, Jim O’Neill, Joe Tatro, Joe Ramsey 124. Ernie Robson, Ernie White, John “Ernie” Didio 129. Bob Marshall, Chris Hall, Dan Duffell 130. Brian Clinton, Bill Demeo, Randy Robertson, Tom Dupuis 131.

Stuart Yacht & Country Club

9-Hole Men: (Nov. 1, Best 2 of 4) (1) Bob Gifford, David Woolford, Don Rich, George Brunkhorst 60. (2) Dick Miele, Marsh Abbey, John Ericsson, Jared Stuubs and Mike Jackson, Curtis Wormwood, John McKennon, Charlie Sybesma 63. 

9-Hole Women: (Nov. 1, Scramble) (1) Betts Freer, Linda Brockway, Ann Dickinson, Erna Friedel 31.

Saturday Men's Blitz: (Nov. 2, Best 2 of 4 Net) (1) Gary Poh, Wally Brady, John Olsen, Gerry Fedorcik 123. (2) Bob Matrisian, Gary Dubois, Bob Lippman, Bill Jens 128.

Wednesday Men's Blitz: (Oct. 30, 2 of 4 Net) (1) Wally Brady, Gary Cox, Bob Lippman, Chuck Pacifico 123. (2) Mike Buerkle, Bill Jens, Kevin Kohloff, Tom Hadden 127.

Women: (Oct. 31, Scramble) (1) Kathi Lundstrom, Maggie Polito, Edie Foland, Ginny Starkel 56.9. (2) Sandie St. Onge, Diane Lacoste, Dorothy Dumczius, Betts Freer 58.4. (3) Denise Thomas, Lorraine Knapp, Joan Coles, Mira Pecina 58.6. (4) Mainra Mueller, Pat Gibson, Dianne Chandler, Barbara Gill 61.8.

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2019-11-07 12:05:00Z

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